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Innovative Approaches to Problem Solving

At nordstar*, the most important thing in any engagement for us is to develop an understanding of our clients and their customers. We believe this is the most effective way of delivering value, that's why we love our approach to innovation and problem solving using design thinking and data driven practices as it puts quantifiable benefits for users and customers at the heart of everything we do.

Lightbulb moments

nordstar* specialise in driving successful change programmes for organisations of all sizes and industries. We work closely with our clients to develop innovative solutions that are tailored to their unique needs and goals, leveraging the latest methodologies and tools to drive measurable results.

We believe that successful change programmes require a multi-faceted approach. That's why we use a combination of design thinking and data-driven approaches such as Six Sigma and Lean to drive success for our clients.

Design thinking is a key tool in our toolkit for driving successful change programmes. By prioritising the customer experience, promoting collaboration and experimentation, and emphasising empathy and iteration, design thinking can help organisations develop solutions that are both user-friendly and effective.

But design thinking is just one part of the equation. By combining design thinking with data-driven approaches such as Six Sigma and Lean, organisations can achieve a more holistic and effective approach to change programmes. This approach allows organisations to develop solutions that are not only user-friendly but also measurable, efficient, and cost-effective.

For example, one of our clients, a leading financial services company, was struggling with a high rate of customer complaints and poor customer satisfaction scores. Through our design thinking process, we worked closely with the company to develop a user-friendly, intuitive customer portal that addressed the key pain points identified through customer research. But we didn't stop there. We also used Six Sigma to analyse customer feedback data and identify the root causes of customer complaints, allowing the company to take targeted actions to improve their processes and outcomes. As a result, the company saw a significant improvement in customer satisfaction scores and a reduction in the number of customer complaints.

Another example is a manufacturing company that was struggling with a high rate of defects in their products. Through our design thinking process, we worked closely with the company to develop a more user-friendly and efficient production process that addressed the key pain points identified through customer research. We then used Lean to streamline the production process and eliminate unnecessary steps or activities, reducing defects and improving quality. The company saw a significant improvement in their defect rates and an increase in customer satisfaction as a result.

Combining design thinking and data-driven approaches such as Six Sigma and Lean can be a powerful tool for organisations looking to drive successful change programmes. By prioritising the customer experience and user-centric design, while also leveraging data-driven insights and continuous improvement methodologies, organisations can achieve measurable and sustainable results. At nordstar*, we're committed to helping our clients achieve success through a collaborative and innovative approach. If you're facing a specific challenge or looking to drive broader organisational change, we're here to help. Contact me or one of the team to learn more about how we can support your organisation and drive success.


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